Our Fleet
1978 Cessna 172N (180hp)
Dual Bendix King flip flop NavCom, Glide Slope, Marker Beacon, DME, Stratus ADS-B Out & In for ForeFlight, 406 ELT.
Sensenich prop. Seats refurbished
1981 Cessna 172P (160hp)
Dual Garmin G5 PFD/HSI, GNC355 GPS/Com, GNC255 with Glide Slope, Stratus ADS-B Out & In for ForeFlight, 406 ELT.
Sensenich prop -
PA28-181 (180hp)
Dual Garmin G5 PFD/HSI, GNC355 GPS/Com w/BT, Bendix King NavCom with Glide Slope, JPI EDM 930 Digital Engine Monitor, and Stratus ADS-B Out & In for ForeFlight.
BK TruTrak auto-pilot and electric trim.